

News & Notices

Free Kayaking and Dragon Boat Rides at Gwangalli Beach and Suyeonggang River

2018-05-04 1459  Views


Free Kayaking  

Suyeong-gu is offering a free kayaking and dragon boat ride experience at the Suyeonggang River area (in front of Hyeopseong Renaissance Apartment) from May 1 to October 31, 2018, and a free kayaking experience at Gwangalli Beach (in front of Hyupjin Taeyang Apartment) from June 15 to August 30.  It is organized by the Sea Explorers of Korea Busan Council to promote water sports to the public.  


You can register online for a free kayaking and dragon boat ride experience at 

http://www.sek.or.kr/bbs/write.php?bbs_id=app01 (in Korean).


The two locations are open from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from Wednesday to Sunday. (Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Chuseok holiday) 


For more information, please contact the Sea Explorers of Korea Busan Council at (051)743-5589.