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Report Risk Factors to Daily Life to the Safety e-Report

2018-03-26 899  Views


Safety e-Report 

Safety anywhere in the world should be of utmost importance. But, it can be difficult to report issues in a foreign country.


 The Safety e-Report website, available in Korean and English, bridges the gap for anyone who needs to report a safety issue in Korea.


 Operated by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, the Safety e-Report homepage offers a place for people to report on minor to serious accidents in daily life at home, workplaces, on roads, in schools, in natural public environments, such as mountains, the beach and more.


 Examples of reported safety issues can include environmental issues, such as structural cracks in buildings and inadequate safety equipment, as well as policy and custom-related issues.


 To file a complaint, visit the homepage and click the "safety report" menu. From there, attach either photographs or images of the reported incident and mark the location on the included map. Registration for civil complaints can be submitted as soon as any required information in regards to hazardous factors and expected actions to be taken is provided.


 In addition, the e-Safety homepage will display the number of reports made by individuals, as well as resolved reports, and details of the reports.


 The service's English support was introduced at the end of 2017. The Ministry of the Interior and Safety is also preparing to support other languages on the Safety e-Report website, including Chinese and Japanese.


 There were more than 210,000 reports received through the website in 2017, a 40 percent increase compared to 2016.


-Information: safetyreport.go.kr/eng. The Safety e-Report site can also be utilized by downloading the official smartphone app on both Apple and Android smartphone devices by searching "safety e-report."


Source: Dynamic Busan - English Newspaper of Busan Metropolitan City