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Korea’s New Tentative List for Inscription on the World Heritage List: Korean War Heritage in Busan

2018-02-05 1363  Views

World Heritage List 

A Tentative List is an inventory of those properties which a country intends to consider for nomination to the World Heritage List.


The Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) announced that ‘Korean War Heritage in Busan’ is conditionally listed on Korea’s Tentative List of properties for future nomination to the World Heritage List after review by an Expert Advisory Group of CHA’s Cultural Heritage Committee, on January 18, 2018.


Korea’s 12 UNESCO World Heritage sites and 16 properties on Korea’s Tentative List are all from before the Joseon Dynasty. ‘Korean War Heritage in Busan’ is the first cultural asset of modern times that is registered on Korea’s Tentative List. It is of great significance in order to take the first step for listing the World Heritage List of Korea’s cultural asset in modern times.


Busan was the provisional capital of Korea for 1,023 days during the Korean War (Aug. 18-Oct. 26, 1950, Jan. 4, 1951 – Aug. 14, 1953). The architectural cultural heritage when it was a provisional capital of Korea during the Korean War, including the provisional government building, provisional capital presidential residence, and UN Memorial Cemetery are preserved in Busan.


The ‘Korean War Heritage in Busan’ registered on Korea’s tentative list for UNSECO World Heritage sites include the Provisional Government Building, Busan (Provisional Capitol), Provisional Capital Presidential Residence (Gyeongmudae), Busan Modern History Museum (the American Embassy), Busan Provincial Meteorological Administration (National Meteorological Observatory), the Port of Busan’s Pier 1, Walker House in Bukyong National University (United Nations ground forces command), the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea, and Busan Citizens Park (Camp Hialeah).


‘Korean War Heritage in Busan’ is aiming for the UNESCO World Heritage list by 2025.