

News & Notices

ACH Encore FLY Film Festival

2018-01-05 999  Views

ACH Encore FLY Film Festival  

The ASEAN Culture House will host the “Encore FLY Film Festival” at the ACH Hall on Saturday, January 13, and every Sunday from January 14 to February 11, 2018. The film festival will feature 32 feature and short films presented at the 1st FLY Film Festival, hosted by Busan Metropolitan City and the Busan Film Commission in October 2017. All films were produced by graduates from the “ASEAN-ROK Film Leaders Incubator: FLY Project.” We hope you’ll enjoy the opportunity to see these films by ASEAN filmmakers!


When: Jan. 13, 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11

Where: ACH Hall(4th floor), ASEAN Culture House

○ Cost: Free

For more info.: (051)775-2023

Website: http://www.ach.or.kr/user/program/detail?pno=301