

Calendar of Events

40th Haeundae Dalmaji Oncheon Festival

2025-02-12 (Wed)

제40회 해운대달맞이 온천축제
일시 2025.2.12.(수) 오후3시-오후7시10분(월출시간 오후5시42분)
장소 해운대해수욕장 일원
주최/후원 (사)해운대지구발전협의회/해운대구

40th Haeundae Dalmaji Oncheon Festival

○ Date: February 12, 2025

○ Venue: Haeundae Beach

○ For more info.: ☎ 051-749-4061

○ Website: Haeundae-gu Office (Korean)

Dalmaji Oncheon (Hot Spring) Festival at Haeundae Beach, Feb. 12, 3:00 p.m. – 7:10 p.m.

- Daljip bonfire lighting, 5:42 p.m. –

The main event of the festival will be held on February 12 at Haeundae Beach. There will be an enormous daljip taeugi (in which participants burn objects in the shape of the moon) - which will be the highlight of the festival. Admission is free.

Events: Gangkang Suwollae (Korean circle dance), performances (dance, song and more)