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The 3rd Busan Metropolitan City YouTube Video Contest (until October 28)

2022-08-31 373  Views

부산광역시 제3회 부산광역시 유튜브 콘텐츠 공모전
Busan Vibe 이게 찐 부산바이브(VIBE)다  

The city of Busan has announced that it is hosting the 3rd Busan Metropolitan City YouTube Video Contest - BUFLIX, until October 28, 2022 at 18:00.

The city’s annual YouTube Video Contest offers the opportunity to various YouTube creators to participation and promote the city of Busan.

This year’s contest theme is, ‘This is real Busan Vibe.’ The entries should focus on anything with Busan’s unique identities including people, places, products and more which give Busan people a sense of pride and differentiate Busan from other cities.

It aims to enhance the city’s status as “Busan, Your Home for Today and Beyond” and promote the pride of Busan’s citizens.

Entries are expected to be the first ones in a longer video series highlighting Busan and will be granted extra points on the submission of the project proposal for the video series.

All Korean nationals and registered foreign residents in Korea are eligible to enter the contest individually or in groups.

Submitted entries can be in any genre format, digital creative video (less than 3 minutes) filmed with an ENG, camcorder, drone, smart phone or a digital camera.

Awards will be given away to selected winners, including a grand prize of 3,000,000 won, a 1,000,000 won second place prize and two 500,000 won third place prizes.

The winners will have the opportunity to work as the city’s representative YouTubers, to release their videos on the official city YouTube channel, and work in collaboration with the city to create city promotional videos.

The winning entries will be announced on the BADA TV website on November 25, 2022.

For more detailed information, please visit the BADA TV website at http://badatv.busan.go.kr/view.do?no=75 (Korean) or call the New Media Division at (051)888-1385.