

News & Notices

34th Haeundae Polar Bear Festival to Take Place On- and Offline This Year

2021-06-10 481  Views

제34회 해운대북극곰축제
주최 부산일보사
후원 부산광역시, 해운대구
기후환경변화캠페인  북극곰과 바다를 지켜주세요
2021.06.11 fri-06.20sun
오프라인 북극곰플로깅챌린지
온라인 TikTok #북극곰입수챌린지 

The city of Busan has announced that the 34th Haeundae Polar Bear Festival (Subtitled “Save the Polar Bears and Protect the Sea”) will take place over 10 days from June 11 to 20, 2021 at Haeundae Beach and Online (TikTok). The festival is being hosted by Busan Ilbo and supported by Busan Metropolitan City and the Haeundae-gu District Office.

The festival is the city’s representative winter event, taking place at the beginning of January every year, to help citizens embrace the cold winter weather by jumping into the winter sea, as well as pray for good health in the New Year.

However, to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and in consideration of the safety of citizens, the festival schedule was changed to June this year.

Instead of jumping into the sea this year, ‘Plogging’, an environmental protection campaign event will take place at Haeundae Beach. As well, online events on TikTok are also scheduled to take place.

*Plogging is a mash up of 'Plock upp' — Swedish for 'to pick up” — and jogging.

34th Haeundae Polar Bear Festival

○ Period: June 11- June 20, 2021

○ Venue: Offline (Haeundae Beach) and online events

○ Website: http://bear.busan.com (Korean)

○ Hosted by: Busanilbo

○ Sponsored by: Busan Metropolitan City, Haeundae-gu

Offline events

*Plogging Challenge June 12-20, 2021, Haeundae Beach

Exhibition on Environment and Climate Change Campaign June 11 - 20, 2021, Haeundae Beach

Online events

Haeundae Polar Bear Festival Character Design Contest (June 1-30)

Haeundae Polar Bear Festival TikTok Live Broadcasting (June 11-13)

TikTok Challenge #Polar Bear Jump Into the Water (June 11-20)