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Hands-on Experience Program to Spread Recycling Culture "High Busan, Bye Plastic"

2024-11-22 63  Views

유엔 플라스틱 협약
제5차 정부간협상위원회(INC-5)회의 부산개최
Hi 하이 Busan Bye 바이 Plastic
시민체험행사 2024.11.23(토)-11.24.(일) 영화의전당 야외

Hands-on Experience Program to Spread Recycling Culture "High Busan, Bye Plastic"

Hands-on Experience Program to Spread Recycling Culture “High Busan, Bye Plastic“

The program aims to spread a recycling culture and build a social consensus on how to solve plastic pollution.

○ Date & Time: November 23-24, 2024, 10:00-17:00

○ Venue: Busan Cinema Center Outdoor Square

Exhibitions: Zero waste, upcycling, recycling of waste banners

Hands-on experiences: Recycling coffee waste, making environmentally-friendly fabric softener, upcycling and more

The city of Busan hosts hands-on experience programs to celebrate the hosting of the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding treaty on plastic pollution (INC-5), including within the marine environment, and is set to take place from 25 November to 1 December 2024 at BEXCO.