Temporary Closure (2022.11.8-12.8)
- 부서명
- 학예연구실
- 전화번호
- 051-220-7400
- 작성자
- 학예연구실
- 작성일
- 2022-11-08
- 조회수
- 530
- 내용
Museum of Contemporary Art Busan temporarily closed and schedule information
It is temporarily closed for the entire period of 11.8(Tue)-12.8(Thu) due to preparation for the new exhibition,
so please refer to it for visiting and using.
📍 Current exhibition ※ Outdoor exhibition* is available.
June 21, 2022 (Tue) - December 31, 2022 (Sat), Outdoor Sculpture Park
Busan Station-Eurasia Platform Media Wall*
July 15, 2022 (Fri) - January 5, 2023 (Thu), Busan Station
Patrick BLANC: Vertical Garden*
June 16, 2018 (Sat) - Permanent, Museum's exterior wall
Tobias REHBERGER: Yourself is sometimes a place to call your own
June 16, 2018 (Sat) - Permanent, Lobby + cafe on the first floor
* Resume from December 9(Fri)
📍 Scheduled exhibition
The Uncanny World
December 9, 2022 (Fri) - March 26, 2023 (Sun), Museum of Contemporary Art Busan Gallery 1 (1st floor)
Whose Story Is This
December 9, 2022 (Fri) - March 5, 2023 (Sun), Museum of Contemporary Art Busan Gallery 2 (2nd floor)
The Postmodern Child
December 17, 2022 (Sat) - April 23, 2023 (Sun), Museum of Contemporary Art Busan Gallery 3, 4, 5 (B1F)
📍 For more information, please refer to the online reservation(Busan Metropolitan City Integrated Reservation System) or the online channel of the Museum of Contemporary Art Busan.
Online Reservation🔗
Online Channel🔗
페이지 만족도 조사 및 자료관리 담당부서
자료관리 담당부서
- 학예연구실
- 051-220-7355
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