#01 Exhibition Overview
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#02 Opening of the Exhibition
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#03 Left Side of the Exhibition
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#04 Middle of the Exhibition
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#05 Right Side of the Exhibition
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#06 Practical Strategies 1. Utilizing Artists
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#07 Practical Strategies 2. Large-scale International Exhibitions based on the concept of New Genre Public Art
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#08 Practical Strategies 3. Globalism and Transportation Restrictions
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#09 Practical Strategies 4. Exceptional Exhibition Design
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#10 Practical Strategies 5. Sharing Collections
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#11 Practical Strategies 6. Use of Sustainable Resources Play
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#12 Practical Strategies 7. Facilities
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#13 Practical Strategies 8. Dilemma
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audio guide
《Sustainable Museum: Art and Environment》 audio guide
- Period
- May. 4. 2021. ~ September. 22. 2021. ~
- Place
- Gallery 1
- Artists
- Kim Bokman, Kim Sangjin, Kim Sooseuk, Kim Sylbee, Kim Anna(Korea Culture and Technology Institute), Kim Jihoon, Kim Haneul, Kim Hyunghyun, Kim Homin, Baggat Art Kim Bora, Baggat Art Kim Chang Hwan, Baggat Art Park Bonggi, Baggat Art Cheong Haung, Park Young-gyun, Park Hyun-ki, Son Sangki, Song Yong, Shin Hak Cheul, Ahn Kyuchul, Optical Race, Yun Hyong-keun, E Dong Shi, Lee Myoung Ho, Lee Bul, Lee Sang-won, Lee Yongwoo, Lee Ungno, Lee Joo Young, Lim Ok Sang, Jang Jongwan, Cheong Jinyun, Jo Jaeseon, Ju Tae Seok, Ha Minji, Huh Baek-ryon, Korea Broadcast Advertising Corporation, Korean Broadcasting System, Jeju Museum of Art(Seo Sung-bong) Amy Yao, Collletttivo, Cory Arcangel, Cosima von Bonin, Ernst Haeckel, FormaFantasma, Guy Debord, The Harrisons, Haroon Mirza, Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla, Julien Ceccaldi, Lewk Wilmshurst, Marte Eknaes, Sean Raspet, SoiL Thornton, Su Yu Hsin, Walead Beshty, Willem de Rooij, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei(Chien-Chih LIN & Tsai, Pou-Ching)
- 내용
페이지 만족도 조사 및 자료관리 담당부서
자료관리 담당부서
- 학예연구실
- 051-220-7355
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