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An Exhibition with Little Information

April. 1. 2022. ~ July. 17. 2022.
Gallery 1
About 15 anonymous domestic and foreign artists(Artist information is indistinguishable due to the nature of the exhibition and will be released after Friday, July 1st)


We tend to be diffident when appreciating art; even more so in terms of contemporary works, which are often regarded as abstruse, or else elicit a response along the lines of “Anyone could make that!”. This exhibition was inspired by the disconnect between the viewer and contemporary art. The complex and esoteric emotions that viewers experience when they encounter contemporary art are taken as given, exacerbated by its allegorical nature, which tends to exclude the immediate feelings of the viewer, creating a very specific atmosphere within which one is expected to interpret a particular work.


An Exhibition with Little Information does not provide the following information, which would normally serve to dictate the biographical, economic, cultural, and socio-political context of the artworks, in order to allow viewers to approach each artwork as a self-contained whole.


1. Name of Artist(s)

2. Title of Artwork(s)

3. Year of Production

4. Biography of Artist(s) and Description of Artwork(s)


The exhibition rejects the notion that an artwork is defined by external contexts and therefore most such contexts have been considered non-essential information in terms of the interpretation of art. However, there seemed little threat to autonomous artistic appreciation in describing the physical attributes of the works, so information provided in the exhibition is limited to factors such as 1. Media and Techniques used for Artworks and 2. Dimensions.


In order to allow maximum freedom of artistic interpretation, the exhibition avoided complex and impenetrable socio-political artworks wherever possible, and focused more on purely sensory issues. In the gallery space, the artworks were displayed in as neutral a manner as possible to allow for fair appreciation, and any excessive interior design was avoided.


Since writings related to the exhibition will also interfere with autonomous appreciation, they have been replaced with QR codes and printed in brochures, and visitors should not experience any difficulty in enjoying the exhibition without having read them. In addition, there are various opportunities provided for visitors to write reviews of the artworks. Please feel free to leave your comments in an atmosphere unencumbered by the various other factors which would commonly influence your experience of the artworks. These reviews will be used as valuable research materials, perhaps to enable a reconciliation between viewers and contemporary art in the future, so please do participate and show your support.


You can freely write a comment of the artwork at the address below.



*Information including the names and biographies of artists, titles and descriptions of works, and production dates will be released on Friday, July 1. Visitors are encouraged to come again to allow a comparison of reviews both before and after the disclosure of this information.









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