Nature, Life, Human
- Period
- Mar. 29th, 2019 ~ Jul. 7th, 2019
- Venue
- 2F Gallery 2
- Artists
- Media
- Curator
- 내용
Exhibition Contents :
Most of us have lived without thinking about that the ecological crisis will threaten the human survival so rapidly. We have been loosely expected the technological advances, that give us a good life, will suggest an alternative or solution. Or we discount the pessimistic view of some environmentalists and scientists as extreme opinions or unfounded fear.
But recently, the warning have continued against the critical situation of nature which is the base not only for the whole living things but also for humans. After all, we hears the news that mankind should move into the other planet near the year 2050, because of environmental destruction and climatic change of our earth.
Such news is so frequent that it even blunts our realization on the serious and urgent problem. Otherwise, now we live through the radical climatic change and environmental destruction such as more severe cold and heat, more powerful typhoons, drought, heavy rain, and water and air pollution.
The attitudes to environment and ecology show various aspects according to not only one's view of nature and life but academic viewpoints on advance, culture, science and economy. In the field of art, there also exist various stances according to the aesthetic opinion on the definition and role of art.
Human conflict to nature and environment has originated from their attitude that they do not regard themselves as the part of nature and objectify her. In that sense, the exhibition could be a chance for us to aware that the problems of environment and ecology today relate to the human ideas and systems such as the view of nature and life, politics, society and economy.
And the exhibition could be an opportunity for us to empathize with the thought that we should change the systems for the future of human and all living things. Most of all, I hope we empathize with the idea that the departure of change should begin from each individual.
<Wonjung Kim>
Perceptual Landscape, 2019, Dried Weeds·Bowls·Mixed Media
Pile up, 2019, Dried Weeds·Bowls·Dining Tables·LED
Weeds, On their Meaninglessness, 2016, 42min. Single Channel Video·Flowerpots·LED Lighting·Windows
<Byungchan Lee>
Creature, 2019, LED,Vinyl·Air Motor·Bell·Polythene Film·Artificial Flowers·LED RGB·Sound
<Changwon Lee>
Holy Light, 2005 (renewed in 2014), Plastic Objects, MDF, Metal Frame, Wooden Panel, LED Lighting, 227x221x50cm
Holy Light, 2014, Plastic Objects·MDF·Metal Frame·Wooden Panel·LED Lighting, 276x140x50cm
Untitled, 2014, Plastic Objects·MDF·Metal Frame·Wooden Panel·LED Lighting, 117x180x45cm
Sign of Promise, 2014, Plastic objects, MDF, LED lighting, Frosted Glass, 65x100x35cm
The Plastic Ocean (#01~#18), 2014, LED Panel, Back lit/Pigment Print, Metal Frame, each 64x44x8cm
<Sungrok Choi>
Operation Mole-Final Stand, 2018, 5K Digital Animation 17m 55s, Sound
<Claire Morgan>
Joy is an Act, 2017, Rose-ringed Parakeet (taxidermy)·Polythene·Nylon in Vitrine, 98.3x61.5x91.5cm, Courtesy of Galerie Karsten Greve
You Kill Me, 2017, Jackdaw (taxidermy)·Polythene·Nylon in Vitrine, 108.5x76.5x61.7cm, Courtesy of Galerie Karsten Greve
If I Die Before I Wake, 2016, Blackbird (taxidermy), blue bottles, nylon in glass cabinet, 46.6x46.6x41.6cm, Courtesy of Galerie Karsten Greve
A Lesson in Failure, 2017, Foxes (taxidermy), Thistle Seeds, Plastic Foil, Charcoal, Nylon, Lead, Cob, 300x304x182cm
<Edward Burtynsky>
Oxford Tire Pile #2, Westley, California, USA, 1999, Chromogenic color print, 122x152.4cm, Courtesy of Sundaram Tagore Gallery
Oil Fields #18, McKittrick, California, USA, 2003, Chromogenic color print, 122x152.4cm, Courtesy of Sundaram Tagore Gallery
Breezewood, Pennsylvania, USA, 2008, Chromogenic color print, 122x152.4cm, Courtesy of Sundaram Tagore Gallery
Highway #2, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2003, Chromogenic color print, 99x124.5cm, Courtesy of Sundaram Tagore Gallery
Dyralaekir River on Myrdalssandur, Iceland, 2012, Chromogenic color print, 122x152.4cm, Courtesy of Sundaram Tagore Gallery
Colorado River Delta #12, Sonora, Mexico, 2011, Chromogenic color print, 122x152.4cm, Courtesy of Sundaram Tagore Gallery
Xiluodu Dam #8, Yangtze River, Yunan Province, China, 2011, Chromogenic color print, 152.4x122cm, Courtesy of Sundaram Tagore Gallery
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- 학예연구실
- 051-220-7355
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