People Walking the Future
- Period
- 16Jun2018 ~ 12Aug2018
- Venue
- B1 Exhibition Hall1ㆍ2ㆍ3
- Artists
- Media
- Curator
- 내용
Exhibition Contents:
The exhibition, 《People walking the future》, is an opening event of the Museum of Contemporary Art Busan which guides to explore the future at the stage of opening a new door of the museum.
Here, the future suggests not a repetition of the present but opening a whole new time-space. In other words, the exhibition questions what to imagine of this new time-space, and the role of art
as guidance.
The Artworks:
Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Full HD single channel video
Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba
Memorial Project Nha Trang, Vietnam: Towards the Complex-For the Courageous, the Curious, and the Cowards
Single channel digital video
Courtesy: the Artist and Mizuma Art Gallery, Tokyo
Commissioned by Yokohama Triennale 2001
Mioon (Minsun Kim & Moonsun Choi)
Barricade Monument (Love Parade)
Multi-channel video installation, sound
10min, loop
Commissioned by MoCA BUSAN
Tae Hun Kang
Entry of People into Valhalla
Multi-channel video installation, sound, dimension variable
Supported by MoCA BUSAN
Chen Chieh-jen
Realm of Reverberations
4 channel video installation, sound, each 23min, loop, documents and photographs
페이지 만족도 조사 및 자료관리 담당부서
자료관리 담당부서
- 학예연구실
- 051-220-7355
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